Friday, June 27, 2008

6/26 Game

Ap got the first placement and got an 8-5-9 spot. Crispy and Bill's stragey's were solid and both were able to challenge Ap's Dominance. Zalman had a decent stragey, but his numbers did not roll. Ap had 9, 10, and 4 of sheep, and the sheep port. Bill had 5 and 6 of stone, and the stone port. Crispy had 8, 3 (was hot), and 9 of brick, and the brick port. Bill's only resources he could get were wheat, stone, and sheep.

So as the game went, Zalman got a good trade from AP at the beginning, but it enabled AP to get the sheep port before Bill could cut him off. Bill kept robbing Crispy even though AP looked powerful, and it allowed AP to build unchecked. These two events contributed to AP eventually winning. Because Bill only got wheat, stone, and sheep, he had 92347238947 development cards and had longest soliders. Crispy and Zalman ran out of settlements, and started trading and collecting stone. At that point, Ap used a very well timed monopoly on the stone, crippling Zalman and Crispy, and building two cities. They could not recover.

Bill and Zalman split the blew the game credit for the sheep port enabling trade, and the non-robbing of Ap

Current Standings:
Standings (Wins / Blown Games):
Bill: 2 / .5
Crispy: 1 / 0
Zalman: 0 / 1.5
AP: 1 / 1
Kongo: 0 / 1

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Your Call

Crispy and Kongo teamed up today, and the result was a total nightmare. Every decision took forever, especially simple things like where to build a road and who to rob. At one point, team “Krispo” was discussing where to put a worthless road. Crispy put the road down without paying for it, then proceeded to ask Kongo what he wanted to do. The road was removed after more discussion, since they still hadn’t paid for it. Neither Crispy nor Kongo wanted to make the final decision. Zalman finally got fed up and said “If I hear ‘your call’ one more time….”. After this, there was a long pause, and then Kongo looked at Crispy and said “Your call.”

Before the game, Zalman had predicted he would blow it, and he was right. Bill started out with a quick city on the 2nd turn. The first robber by CrispyKongo was placed away from Bill’s city and AP was robbed. The pirate ship was used against Bill on the second robber. The third robber was placed on Zalman’s 5 of sheep (by CrispyKongo) and it ended up staying there for a long time. Zalman was enraged by this, since he was pathetic and 5 rolled regularly, giving AP and Bill lots of wheat and brick. For the rest of the game, Zalman “emotionally robbed” CrispyKongo regardless of the game situation (Crispy was not pleased).

Bill was able to build 3 cities and get the “Longest Army”, thanks to some sheep trades from Zalman (Bill only got sheep on a 3). Bill also managed to take longest road in the end, along with a victory point and an additional settlement. Crispy accused Zalman of trading the game away, and he was right.

Standings (Wins / Blown Games):
Bill: 2 / 0
Crispy: 1 / 0
Zalman: 0 / 1
AP: 0 / 1
Kongo: 0 / 1

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What Now, Moron?!?!?

I was robbed to death.

rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob rob.

I jumped out to the early lead due to a well time monopoly where I got 14 wheat and was able to build 2 cities. I had the longest road, 11 points, and became a target. 7 would not stop rolling. Bill challenged me on longest road and every turn he would add 2, I would add 2. Crispy and Ap, meanwhile kept on building and gaining points. At one point Bill looked powerful because he had 2 soldiers and 1 development card down. I knew it was a VP (He exposed it earlier), but was able to convince Ap that it could be a soldier. If it was a soldier than Bill could have been very close to winning.

So Ap rolled a 7 and was thinking of robbing Bill because of it. He took the robber off my 6, and placed it on Bill's 8. Bill said it wasn't a soldier, flipped the card, and explained, "What now, moron?!?!?". To which Ap replied "::APshrug::" and robbed Bill anyway. The next roll was a 6, and I was one card from winning, but could not. The road race between Bill and myself continued, which allowed Crispy enough time to get the longest soldier, and win. Great. Thanks Bill.

Ap gets the "Blew the game" title for this one for the dumb rob of Bill, even though it did not have a direct effect on Crispy winning.

Standings now are:
Bill: 1
Crispy: 1
Me: 0
Ap: -1
Kongo: -1


Stupid game today. Ap looked powerful and Kongo didn't build a road, and traded the game to Bill. GREAT. Ap kept being robbed because he had 3 development cards down. He never played the cards, so we figured they were VPs. Turns out they were a soldier, year of plenty, and road building. If he played them, then we would probably have stopped robbing him. Those cards sucked. Kongo ran out of settlements (again) and didnt extend his longest road. Instead, he traded a wheat to Bill (which he won the game with) to build a development card. Nice job, moron.

Hopefully Crispy can play today so Kongo won't have too.

I got robbed to death. DAMNIT!

Current standings

Bill 1
Ap 0
Me 0
Crispy 0
Kongo -1 (He blew the game)

Friday, June 20, 2008

The first one

Blogging about emotional robs all day long!