Tuesday, July 1, 2008

quick recap of 6/27 and 6/30 games

Ap won both of these games. In both games I was playing pretty well and looking strong, but not running away with it by any means. However, in both games, there was a crucial part in the middle where Bill decided to rob me, instead of Ap. And then Ap's numbers rolled like crazy for two turns. So then Bill feels like he made a mistake and robs Ap. The only thing is, it was too late in both games! Ap was past the point of anyone catching up to him. You would think Bill would have learned his lesson from the first game, but noooooooooooooooooooooo! He didn't. Thanks Bill. Bill gets 1 blown game from 6/27. Crispy gets the blown game from 6/30 because he was away and didn't tell me he was going to be away. I thought he was just camping for the weekend. We had to invite Kongo.

Current Standings:
Standings (Wins / Blown Games):
Bill: 2 / 1.5
Crispy: 1 / 1
Zalman: 0 / 1.5
AP: 3 / 1
Kongo: 0 / 1

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